The date range picker you've ever needed!

Caleran is a Date Range Picker plugin, built using jQuery and moment.js libraries. It can also be used as a single date picker besides the range selection feature. Can be shown inline or used as a dropdown beside an input.

Get it from CodeCanyon


Date Range Picker

It's a range picker!

Predefined Ranges

You can use default ranges, or define your own!

Single Date Support

It can also be used as a single date picker!


You can modify all the picker's behaviour like hiding some part, disabling some feature etc.

Quick Switching

Supports fast month and year navigation!

Inline Support

If you don't like dropdowns, you can convert your input to an inline calendar!

Mobile Ready

It renders beautifully on mobile devices

Portrait/Landscape Support

Also has a different landscape layout

Touch Slide Support

You can slide between months!

109 Languages

We support them all!
(What moment.js supports :P)

Sass Support

You can re-design completely using SASS.

Grunt Tasks

Yes, it's the automation era.

Icons (except Sass and Grunt logo) made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

How to use it

The main files of this plugin are caleran.min.js and caleran.min.css, which are generated by compiling and minifying caleran.js and caleran.css. The plugin relies on jQuery and moment.js libraries, also needs to be included before including caleran.min.js.

The font used on this plugin is Roboto, and the icons are provided by Font Awesome which are included remotely from their CDN's. You can change it anyway you want.

The example configuration which can be found in the base index file is:

  window.jQuery ||
      '<script src="js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"><\/script>'
<!-- .caleran includes -->
<link href="build/css/caleran.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="build/js/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="build/js/caleran.min.js"></script>
<!-- .end caleran includes -->

Then, to attach a caleran object to an element you desire, use this:


You can customize your plugin with options you provide to the initializing function,

$(".caleran").caleran({ inline: true, startOnMonday: true });

or the element's data-plugin-options property.

  value="08.08.2017 - 08.09.2017"

Once initalized, you can access the caleran object like this:

var caleran = $(".caleran:eq(3)").data("caleran");
caleran.config.startDate = new Date();


Once you've got the caleran instance object, you can access these properties:

  • elem [DOM node object]: The HTML dom node which the instance is created on.
  • $elem [jQuery Object]: jQuery object of the dom node. Equals to $(caleran.elem)

Please Note that if you've chosen a different target element, you will be accessing the initiator element by calling caleran.$elem. Your actual target element would be

For example,

var caleran = $("#elem1").caleran();
// caleran.elem will be equal to document.getElementById("elem1") or $("#elem1").get(0);
// caleran.$elem will be equal to $("#elem1");

  • config [JS Object]: The instance's configuration object. Consists of merging default values and user defined settings. The details of it is explained in the Options section.

These properties are also defined, but not recommended to tinker on.

  • container [jQuery Object]: This refers to the outermost container element of the instance dropdown or inline instance and the input itself.
  • header [jQuery Object]: This refers to the header part of the plugin.
  • footer [jQuery Object]: This refers to the footer part, - not the mobile buttons part - the ranges part of the plugin.
  • input [jQuery Object]: This refers to the first child of the container, which contains everything except the input which is caleran instantiated on.


These are the options you can set with the javascript plugin initialization object, or with the data-plugin-options html attribute on the input element, or within the events by directly modifying the caleran.config object.

  • startDate [moment object|javascript Date Object|string]: the selected start date, initially today is selected if not defined inside the input's value, or any of the initialization configuration methods.

  • endDate [moment object|javascript Date Object|string]: the selected end date, initially today is selected if not defined inside the input's value, or any of the initialization configuration methods.

  • format [string]: the default format for showing in input, defaults to short date format of locale, for all possible inputs, look here: default: 'L'

  • dateSeparator [string]: if not used as a single date picker, this will be the seperator, default " - ".

  • calendarCount [integer]: how many calendars will be shown in the plugin screen, default 2

  • inline [boolean]: display as an inline input replacement instead of input dropdown. default: false

  • minDate [moment object|javascript Date Object|string|null]: minimum selectable date, default null (no minimum)

  • maxDate [moment object|javascript Date Object|string|null]: maximum selectable date, default null (no maximum)

  • hideOutOfRange [boolean]: hides the arrows which navigates out of the range defined with min and max dates, default false

  • showHeader [boolean]: visibility of the part which displays the selected start and end dates, default true

  • showFooter [boolean]: visibility of the part which contains user defined ranges, default true

  • startEmpty [boolean]: whether the input should remain empty until user makes a selection, default false

  • showButtons [boolean]: whether the input should display the apply and cancel buttons in dropdown, default false

  • enableSwipe [boolean]: whether the input should be responsive to mobile swipe action, default true

  • enableKeyboard [boolean]: enable this if you want to add keyboard support to the calendar. The keys are:
    • UP : Go to same weekday on the previous week
    • DOWN : Go to same weekday on the next week
    • LEFT : Go to the previous day
    • RIGHT : Go to the next day
    • PG UP : Go to the previous month
    • PG DOWN : Go to the next month
    • SHIFT + PG UP : Go to the previous year
    • SHIFT + PG DOWN : Go to the next year

  • startOnMonday [boolean]: false, // if you want to start the calendars on Monday, set this to true. Note that if the locale already starts on Monday, this setting will be ignored.

  • container [string]: the selector of the dropdowns container, default "body"

  • oneCalendarWidth [integer]: the width of one calendar, if two calendars are shown, the input width will be 2 * this setting. default 230

  • showOn ["bottom"|"top"|"left"|"right"|"center"]: dropdown placement position relative to input element, will be adjusted to the viewport, default "bottom"

  • arrowOn ["bottom"|"top"|"left"|"right"|"center"]: arrow position relative to dropdown element, will be adjusted to the viewport, default "left"

  • autoAlign [boolean]: enables dropdown auto placement change when the dropdown is not fully visible on the viewport. Default "true"

  • locale [string]: moment locale setting, for more information:, and for a list of available locales: (bottom of the page)

  • singleDate [boolean]: if you want a single date picker, set this to true, default false

  • target: [jquery object] the element to update after selection, if it's null, the element that is instantiated on will be updated. default null

  • ranges: [array] predefined ranges range objects array, which each will create a button in the footer, and when the user clicks, it'll automatically will be applied. One range is defined like below:

    • title [string]: the label which will appear on the button,
    • startDate [moment object|javascript Date Object|string]: the first date of the range,
    • endDate [moment object|javascript Date Object|string]: the last date of the range,

  • rangeLabel [string] : The title displayed in the defined ranges list section, default "Ranges: "

  • cancelLabel [string]: The cancel button label, default "Cancel"

  • applyLabel [string]: The apply button label, default "Apply"

  • enableMonthSwitcher [boolean]: Enables the month switcher when clicking on month names. Default: true

  • enableYearSwitcher [boolean]: Enables the year switcher when clicking on years. Default: true

  • numericMonthSwitcher [boolean]: If set to true, shows month numbers instead of month names in month selector. Default: false

  • monthSwitcherFormat [string]: Changes the format of the month name displayed on the month selector. Default: "MMMM" (long month name format)

  • showWeekNumbers [string]: Shows week numbers on the left of the calendars. Default: false

  • autoCloseOnSelect [boolean]: On instances that are not displayed inline, this setting is used to automatically close the dropdown when a selection is made.

  • disableDays [function]: Enables day based disabling filters, input value is the current day to be processed. Example:
      disableDays: function(day){
         return day.isSame(moment("17/05/2017")); // will return true on that day and the day will be disabled.

  • disabledRanges [object array]: Enables user to disable specific ranges from selection. Can be used with continuous option to preserve continuity. Object structure:
     [{ start: [moment object], end: [moment object]}, ..]

  • disableOnlyStart [boolean]: When set, the disabled ranges only affect the start date selection. End dates are not limited to the active days. Default: false

  • disableOnlyEnd [boolean]: When set, the disabled ranges only affect the end date selection. Start dates are not limited to the active days. Default: false

  • minSelectedDays [integer]: Defines the minimum selection duration. For example, if set to 1, the same day ranges won't be accepted. Another example, if set to 3, at least 3 days should be selected. Default: 0

  • isHotelBooking [boolean]: Enables the hotel booking mode. Disabled range start and end dates are half disabled, so a start date can be another range's end date, and a end date can be another range's start date. Useful for check-in check-out selections for hotel systems. Default: false

  • DOBCalendar [boolean]: Enables the date-of-birth selection mode. Shows the year selector when opened, then the month selector, then the day selector.Not available in inline mode, Switches the calendar to single date selection when enabled. Default: false

  • continuous [boolean]: Adds a check if the selected range continues any disabled days. Reverts the selection to it's original state when the user tries to select a range which contains a disabled date.

  • rangeOrientation [string]: Sets the range view to "vertical" or "horizontal" which renders the range part on the right or on the bottom of the calendar. Default: "horizontal"

  • verticalRangeWidth [string]: Sets the vertical range view panel width in pixels. Default: 150
  • nextMonthIcon: [string] Sets the icon of the next month arrow, default: <i class='fa fa-arrow-right'></i></i>,
  • prevMonthIcon: [string] Sets the icon of the previous month arrow, default: <i class='fa fa-arrow-left'></i>,
  • rangeIcon: [string] Sets the icon of the range label, default: <i class='fa fa-retweet'></i>,
  • headerSeparator: [string] Sets the icon between the header dates, default: <i class='fa fa-chevron-right'></i>, <br
  • dayText: [object] Sets the extra texts on the days, can be used to indicate prices, availability, dots with colors etc. The keys are middle of each day, and the values are texts to display. Contains no limits and validation. Object structure:
      [unix timestamp of middle of the day (12:00)]: 'text to display',
      [unix timestamp of middle of another day (12:00)]: 'another text to display',

Available Events

  • onbeforeselect [function]: event which is triggered before selecting the end date ( a range selection is completed). The return value decides whether the selection will happen. Returning false will prevent the input to update.

        onbeforeselect: function(caleran, startDate, endDate){
            // caleran: caleran object instance
            // startDate: moment.js instance
            // endDate: moment.js instance
            return true; // false prevents update

  • onafterselect [function]: event which is triggered after selecting the end date ( the input value changed )

        onafterselect: function(caleran, startDate, endDate){
            // caleran: caleran object instance
            // startDate: moment.js instance
            // endDate: moment.js instance

  • onbeforeshow [function]: event which is triggered before showing the dropdown

        onbeforeshow: function(caleran){
            // caleran: caleran object instance

  • onbeforehide [function]: event which is triggered before hiding the dropdown

        onbeforehide: function(caleran){
            // caleran: caleran object instance

  • onaftershow [function]: event which is triggered after showing the dropdown

        onaftershow: function(caleran){
            // caleran: caleran object instance

  • onafterhide [function]: event which is triggered after hiding the dropdown

        onafterhide: function(caleran){
            // caleran: caleran object instance

  • onfirstselect [function]: event which is triggered after selecting the first date of ranges

        onfirstselect: function(caleran, startDate){
            // caleran: caleran object instance
            // startDate: moment.js instance

  • onrangeselect [function]: event which is triggered after selecting a range from the defined range links

        onrangeselect: function(caleran, range){
            // caleran: caleran object instance
            // range: selected range definition

  • onbeforemonthchange [function]: event which fires before changing the first calendar month of multiple calendars, or the month of a single calendar. The return value decides whether the month switch will take place.

        onbeforemonthchange: function(caleran, month, direction){
            // caleran: caleran object instance
            // month : moment.js object of first day of the month selected on the **first** calendar
            // direction: "next" or "prev", shows the month change direction. if `month.month()` is 4,
            // and direction is "prev", next month will be 3.
            return true; // false disables switching

  • onaftermonthchange [function]: event which fires after changing the first calendar month of multiple calendars, or the month of a single calendar

        onaftermonthchange: function(caleran, month){
            // caleran: caleran object instance
            // month : moment.js object of first day of the month selected on the first calendar

  • onafteryearchange [function]: event which fires after changing the year of the calendars with the year selector

        onafteryearchange: function(caleran, year){
            // caleran: caleran object instance
            // year : moment.js object of first day of the year selected on the first calendar

  • ondraw [function]: event which fires after redraws in calendar

      onredraw: function(caleran){
        // caleran: caleran object instance

  • onBeforeInit [function]: event which fires just before the instance initialization happens

      onBeforeInit: function(caleran){
        // caleran: caleran object instance

  • onBeforeDestroy [function]: event which fires just before the instance destruction happens, can be returned false to cancel the destruction.

      oninit: function(caleran){
        // caleran: caleran object instance

  • oninit [function]: event which fires after instance initialization

      oninit: function(caleran){
        // caleran: caleran object instance

  • ondestroy [function]: event which fires after instance destruction

      oninit: function(caleran){
        // caleran: caleran object instance

  • oncancel [function]: event which fires after the user clicks the cancel button, cancellation can be prevented by returning false

      oncancel: function(caleran, start, end){
        // caleran: caleran object instance
        // start: selected start date
        // end: selected end date
        return true;

    • validateClick [function]: event which fires when an user clicks a day, can be prevented by returning false


      validateClick: function(cellmoment){
        // cellmoment: clicked cell's date
        return true;


  • validateDates [function]: Validates the startDate, endDate, minDate, maxDate parameters of the instance configuration, by the means of parsability and order, and defaults to today's date for startDate and endDate, and to null for maxDate and minDate.

  • clearInput [function]: Clears the input.

  • fetchInputs [function]: Retrieves the date(s) from the instance holder input and validates them before putting it to it's configuration.

  • updateInput [function]: Updates the instance holder input with the instance values and configuration.

  • drawNextMonth [function]: Triggers the instance show the next month after the first calendar month as the first calendar.

  • drawPrevMonth [function]: Triggers the instance show the previous month before the first calendar month as the first calendar.

  • reDrawCalendars [function]: Triggers a complete restructuring of the instance. Drawing the container first, then the header, then the calendars, then the footer.

  • reDrawCells [function]: Only modifies the calendar's related parts with the configuration variables. Doesn't entirely build the instance again like reDrawCalendars method does.

  • setViewport [function]: On dropdown instances, if the dropdown falls outside of the viewport (when shown, not scrolled) this function decides and calculates it's new position opposed to its configuration. For example, if the dropdown position is set to bottom and it falls below the page bottom edge, this method makes it appear as it was set to top for once.

  • showDropdown [function]: On dropdown and mobile instances, if the dropdown is not visible, this method triggers the show method.

  • hideDropdown [function]: On dropdown and mobile instances, if the dropdown is visible, this method hides it.

  • setStart [function]: Sets the start date of the input. Time portion is ignored.

  • setEnd [function]: Sets the end date of the input. Time portion is ignored.

  • setMinDate [function]: Sets the minimum selectable date of the input. Time portion is ignored.

  • setMaxDate [function]: Sets the maximum selectable date of the input. Time portion is ignored.

  • setDisplayDate [function] : Sets the displayed month and year, day and hours are ignored.

var instance = $(".caleran").data("caleran");

// using moment object

// using javascript Date object
instance.setStart(new Date());

// using ISO and RFC standardized date strings
instance.setStart("2017-11-27T13:07:04+00:00"); // ISO 8601 and RFC 3339
instance.setStart("Mon, 27 Nov 2017 13:07:04 +0000"); // RFC 822, 1035, 1123, 2822
instance.setStart("Monday, 27-Nov-17 13:07:04 UTC"); // RFC 2822

// using unix timestamp

// using custom formatted date time string
instance.setStart(moment("16:06 27.11.2017", "HH:mm dd.MM.YYYY"));


Default Range Picker



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-1" />


<script type="text/javascript">$("#caleran-ex-1").caleran();</script>



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-1-1" />
<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-1-2" />
<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-1-3" />
<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-1-4" />


    <script type="text/javascript">



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-1-5" />
<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-1-6" />
<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-1-7" />
<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-1-8" />


    <script type="text/javascript">

Arrow Positioning



  .vhide {
    visibility: hidden;
<input type="text" class="vhide" /><input
/><input type="text" id="caleran-ex-t-c" value="06/21/2017" /><input
/><input type="text" class="vhide" /><br /><br />
<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-l-t" value="06/21/2017" /><input
/><input type="text" class="vhide" /><input type="text" class="vhide" /><input
/><br /><br />
<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-l-c" value="06/21/2017" /><input
/><input type="text" id="caleran-ex-c-c" value="06/21/2017" /><input
/><input type="text" id="caleran-ex-r-c" value="06/21/2017" /><br /><br />
<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-l-b" value="06/21/2017" /><input
/><input type="text" class="vhide" /><input type="text" class="vhide" /><input
/><br /><br />
<input type="text" class="vhide" /><input
/><input type="text" id="caleran-ex-b-c" value="06/21/2017" /><input
/><input type="text" class="vhide" /><br /><br />


<script type="text/javascript">
      showOn: "top",
      arrowOn: "right"
      showOn: "top",
      arrowOn: "center"
      showOn: "top",
      arrowOn: "left"
      showOn: "left",
      arrowOn: "center"
      showOn: "left",
      arrowOn: "top"
      showOn: "left",
      arrowOn: "bottom"
      showOn: "center",
      arrowOn: "center"
      showOn: "right",
      arrowOn: "center"
      showOn: "right",
      arrowOn: "top"
      showOn: "right",
      arrowOn: "bottom"

      showOn: "bottom",
      arrowOn: "right"
      showOn: "bottom",
      arrowOn: "center"
      showOn: "bottom",
      arrowOn: "left"

Hiding the header



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-2" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#caleran-ex-2").caleran({showHeader: false});



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-3" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#caleran-ex-3").caleran({showFooter: false});

Showing dropdown apply/cancel buttons

This will only work with dropdown desktop view, inline views don't support cancel and apply buttons. Mobile modal view already has them.


<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-5-3" placeholder="Select a Date" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#caleran-ex-5-3").caleran({showButtons: true});

Changing calendar count



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-4" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#caleran-ex-4").caleran({calendarCount: 3});

Inline calendar



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-5" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#caleran-ex-5").caleran({inline: true});

Empty on initialization



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-5-1" placeholder="Select a date" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#caleran-ex-5-1").caleran({startEmpty: true});

Single date picker



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-6" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#caleran-ex-6").caleran({singleDate: true});

Range/Single switch



<label for="single-caleran-mod">
  &nbsp;Single Date
<label for="multi-caleran-mod">
  &nbsp;Multiple Dates
<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-6-4" />


<script type="text/javascript">
      singleDate: $("input[name='caleran-type-selector']:checked").val() == "single" ? true : false

Linked Single Date Pickers


Start Date:
End Date:


<div style="display: flex;">
  <div>Start Date: <input type="text" id="caleran-ex-6-5-start" /></div>
  <div style="margin-left:20px;">
    End Date: <input type="text" id="caleran-ex-6-5-end" />


<script type="text/javascript">
  var startDate, endDate, startInstance, endInstance;
  var fillInputs = function () {
      startInstance.$elem.val(startDate ? startDate.locale(startInstance.config.format).format(startInstance.config.format) : "");
      endInstance.$elem.val(endDate ? endDate.locale(endInstance.config.format).format(endInstance.config.format) : "");
      startEmpty: $("#caleran-ex-6-5-start").val() === "",
      startDate: $("#caleran-ex-6-5-start").val(),
      endDate: $("#caleran-ex-6-5-end").val(),
      enableKeyboard: false,
      oninit: function (instance) {
          startInstance = instance;
          if (!instance.config.startEmpty && instance.config.startDate) {
              startDate = instance.config.startDate.clone();
      onbeforeshow: function (instance) {
          if (startDate) {
              startInstance.config.startDate = startDate;
              endInstance.config.startDate = startDate;
          if (endDate) {
              startInstance.config.endDate = endDate.clone();
              endInstance.config.endDate = endDate.clone();
      onfirstselect: function (instance, start) {
          startDate = start.clone();
          startInstance.globals.startSelected = false;
          endInstance.config.minDate = startDate.clone();
          endInstance.config.startDate = startDate.clone();
          endInstance.config.endDate = null;
          endInstance.globals.startSelected = true;
          endInstance.globals.endSelected = false;
          endInstance.globals.firstValueSelected = true;
          if (endDate && startDate.isAfter(endDate)) {
              endInstance.globals.endDate = endDate.clone();
      startEmpty: $("#caleran-ex-6-5-end").val() === "",
      startDate: $("#caleran-ex-6-5-start").val(),
      endDate: $("#caleran-ex-6-5-end").val(),
      enableKeyboard: false,
      autoCloseOnSelect: true,
      oninit: function (instance) {
          endInstance = instance;
          if (!instance.config.startEmpty && instance.config.endDate) {
              endDate = instance.config.endDate.clone();
      onbeforeshow: function (instance) {
          if (startDate) {
              startInstance.config.startDate = startDate;
              endInstance.config.startDate = startDate;
          if (endDate) {
              startInstance.config.endDate = endDate.clone();
              endInstance.config.endDate = endDate.clone();
      onafterselect: function (instance, start, end) {
          startDate = start.clone();
          endDate = end.clone();
          startInstance.config.endDate = endDate.clone();
          startInstance.globals.firstValueSelected = true;
          endInstance.globals.startSelected = true;
          endInstance.globals.endSelected = false;

Minimal Single date picker



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-6-2" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      singleDate: true,
      calendarCount: 1,
      showHeader: false,
      showFooter: false,
      autoCloseOnSelect: true

Ranges on the Right



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-6-6-1" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      rangeOrientation: "vertical"

Ranges on the Right with Buttons



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-6-6-2" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      rangeOrientation: "vertical",
      showButtons: true

Ranges on the Right (inline)



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-6-6-3" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      inline: true,
      rangeOrientation: "vertical"

Showing week numbers



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-6-6-4" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      showWeekNumbers: true

Auto Close on Select



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-6-1" />


<script type="text/javascript">
  $("#caleran-ex-6-1").caleran({autoCloseOnSelect: true});

Defining Min/Max Dates



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-6-3" />


<script type="text/javascript">
    minDate: moment().subtract(1, "weeks").startOf("week"),
    maxDate: moment().add(1, "weeks").endOf("week")

Defining custom ranges



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-7" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#caleran-ex-7").caleran({ranges: [
                title: "Next Week",
                startDate: moment().add(1,"weeks").startOf("week"),
                endDate: moment().add(1,"weeks").endOf("week")
                title: "Today",
                startDate: moment(),
                endDate: moment()
                title: "Yesterday",
                startDate: moment().subtract(1,"days"),
                endDate: moment().subtract(1,"days")
                title: "Last 7 days",
                startDate: moment().subtract(7,"days"),
                endDate: moment().subtract(1,"days")
                title: "Last 30 days",
                startDate: moment().subtract(30,"days"),
                endDate: moment().subtract(1,"days")
                title: "This month",
                startDate: moment().startOf("month"),
                endDate: moment().endOf("month")
                title: "Last month",
                startDate: moment().subtract(1,"months").startOf("month"),
                endDate: moment().subtract(1,"months").endOf("month")

Custom events



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-8" />
<div class="caleranlabel"></div>


    <script type="text/javascript">
            onafterselect: function(caleran, startDate, endDate) {
                  .text("You have chosen between " + startDate.format('LLLL') + " and " + endDate.format('LLLL'));

Hotel Booking System



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-9-1" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
      isHotelBooking: true,
      continuous: true,
      startEmpty: true,
      minSelectedDays: 1,
      disabledRanges: [
          start: moment(),
          end: moment().add(2, "days")

Change first day of week



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-9" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#caleran-ex-9").caleran({startOnMonday: true});

Changing locale



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-10" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
        var userLanguage = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;
        if(userLanguage == "en") userLanguage = "fr";
        $("#caleran-ex-10").caleran({locale: userLanguage });

Changing locale (inline)



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-10-2" />


    <script type="text/javascript">
        var userLanguage = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;
        if(userLanguage == "en") userLanguage = "fr";
        $("#caleran-ex-10-2").caleran({locale: userLanguage, inline: true });

Date Of Birth (DOB) Select Mode



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-10-4" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      DOBCalendar: true,
      startEmpty: true

Changing locale (non-latin)



      <input type="text" id="caleran-ex-10-3" />


      <script type="text/javascript">
          $("#caleran-ex-10-3").caleran({locale: "ar", inline: true });

RTL Support



      <div dir="rtl">
        <input type="text" id="caleran-ex-10-5" />


      <script type="text/javascript">
          $("#caleran-ex-10-5").caleran({locale: "ar" });

Week Select Mode



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-10-1" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      onfirstselect: function(elem,start){
          elem.config.startDate = moment(start).startOf("week");
          elem.config.endDate = moment(start).endOf("week");
          elem.globals.endSelected = true;
          elem.globals.startSelected = false;
          elem.globals.hoverDate = null;
          elem.container.find( ".caleran-apply" ).removeAttr( "disabled" );

Custom target element



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-11-target" />
<button id="caleran-ex-11">Open Caleran</button>


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#caleran-ex-11").caleran({target: $("#caleran-ex-11-target")});

Custom disabled ranges (with callback)

Note: This task would only fill the input on Wednesdays, because the only valid (selectable) dates are Wednesdays on the calendar. If the start day or end day isn't selectable, the plugin will revert itself to startEmpty state when initialized.



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-13" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      disableDays: function(day){
        return != 3;

Custom disabled ranges (with array)



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-13-2" value="03/19/2017 - 03/20/2017" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      disabledRanges: [
          "start": moment("10/03/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          "end": moment("18/03/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")
          "start": moment("01/04/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          "end": moment("05/04/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")
          "start": moment("11/04/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          "end": moment("15/04/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")

Custom text content on days



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-13-7" value="03/19/2017 - 03/20/2017" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
    var dayTextsObj = {};
    for (var p = 0; p < 30; p++ ) {
      var timestamp = moment('2017-03-19').add(p, 'day').middleOfDay().unix();
      dayTextsObj[timestamp] = 10 * (p % 10) + '$';
      dayText: dayTextsObj

Custom disabled ranges (preserve continuousity)



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-13-3" value="03/19/2017 - 03/20/2017" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      continuous: true,
      disabledRanges: [
          start: moment("10/03/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          end: moment("18/03/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")
          "start": moment("01/04/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          "end": moment("05/04/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")
          "start": moment("11/04/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          "end": moment("15/04/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")

Disable only start dates



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-13-5" value="03/19/2017 - 03/20/2017" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      disableOnlyStart: true,
      disabledRanges: [
          "start": moment("10/03/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          "end": moment("18/03/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")
          "start": moment("01/04/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          "end": moment("05/04/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")
          "start": moment("11/04/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          "end": moment("15/04/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")

Disable only end dates



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-13-6" value="03/19/2017 - 03/20/2017" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      disableOnlyEnd: true,
      disabledRanges: [
          "start": moment("10/03/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          "end": moment("18/03/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")
          "start": moment("01/04/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          "end": moment("05/04/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")
          "start": moment("11/04/2017","DD/MM/YYYY"),
          "end": moment("15/04/2017", "DD/MM/YYYY")

Show & Hide with triggers



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-13-1" />
<button class="caleran-show">Show Instance</button>
<button class="caleran-hide">Hide Instance</button>


  <script type="text/javascript">
      var caleran = $("#caleran-ex-13-1").data("caleran");
      var caleran = $("#caleran-ex-13-1").data("caleran");

Using inside a modal



<!-- Modal -->
  class="modal fade"
  <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-body">
        <input type="text" id="caleran-ex-12" />
      <div class="modal-footer">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">
<!-- Button trigger modal -->
  class="btn btn-primary"
  Launch demo modal


<script type="text/javascript">$("#caleran-ex-12").caleran();</script>

Hiding the arrows on unavailable months



<input type="text" id="caleran-ex-13-4" value="03/19/2017 - 03/20/2017" />


  <script type="text/javascript">
      minDate: moment().startOf("year"),
      maxDate: moment().endOf("year"),
      startDate: moment(),
      endDate: moment(),
      hideOutOfRange: true

Important Notes

  • I left the caleran object fully accessible to the inner variables, so you can alter the object's config in any event. For example, you can alter the max date of the calendar after first selection like this (limiting the user to select max 7 days of the first selection):

    onfirstselect: function(caleran, startDate){
        caleran.config.maxDate = startDate.clone().add(7,"days");
    onafterselect: function(caleran, startDate, endDate){
        caleran.config.maxDate = null;

    or another example, disabling previous date selection:

    onfirstselect: function(caleran, startDate){
        caleran.config.minDate = startDate.clone();
    onafterselect: function(caleran, startDate, endDate){
        caleran.config.minDate = null;
  • The cloning is very important when adding or subtracting, because they modify the reference element too! As you can see in the above examples, the startDate and the endDate elements are cloned when defining the maxDate and minDate values. If you don't want to modify the startDate or endDate intentionally, use cloning.

  • Mobile only supports modal like interface. Dropdowns and inline options currently don't work on mobile phones. Added inline support on mobile on version 1.3.1.

  • Mobile versions only show 1 calendar. If you want it to support multiple calendars on mobile or inline support, let me know how it should be designed, and I'll try to put it on the next release. Thanks to ginharja, it's now implemented.

  • Only one event can be bound using the initialize config object. Multiple events are not supported.


  • v1.0.0

    • Released initial version.
  • v1.0.1

    • before updating the input, added check for null variables
  • v1.1.0

    • added ondraw event
    • added disableDays function to disable custom days
    • fixed startOnMonday if moment.js locale already starts at Monday
    • fixed deprecated jQuery.size() warnings
    • added autoCloseOnSelect option to close when a date/range is selected
    • added Show & Hide methods (showDropdown/hideDropdown)
    • changed all locale aware weekdays to act constant in every locale (0-Sunday and 6-Saturday)
    • added oninit event
  • v1.1.1

    • added event handler checks before event.stopPropagation occurances
    • seperated click & tap events on mobile and desktop
    • checked jQuery UI tap event exist before loading hammer.js
  • v1.1.2

    • fixed range click locale bug (which causes wrong start date output)
  • v1.1.3

    • fixed apply button click event on mobile screens
    • added disabledRanges option to specify schedule like selections
    • added countinuous option to only allow continuous range selection
  • v1.2.0

    • added direction parameter to onbeforemonthchange event
    • added quick year and month switching feature
    • added multiple calendar support for mobile
  • v1.2.1

    • fixed IE10 compatibility on JS and CSS
    • made some optimizations
  • v1.2.2

    • fixed uninitialized startDateBackup variable bug
    • added browserSync support
  • v1.2.3

    • fixed event duplication on document click
    • fixed outside triggers closing dropdown
    • fixed target element confusion when different target option is specified
    • added startEmpty option
    • fixed multiple instance closing issues
    • added missing event parameters to hideDropdown method
  • v1.3.0

    • fixed autoCloseOnSelect on singleDate version / mobile views
    • changed code to make clicking on disabled days select start/end date
    • added some transition delays to make it smoother
    • added keyboard navigation (enableKeyboard option) up: previous week down: next week left: previous day right: next day space: select day pageup: previous month pagedown next month shift + pageup: previous year shift + pagedown: next year
    • added easy year switch buttons on year list
    • fixed startEmpty cell selected classes
    • added destroy method and some extra tests
  • v1.3.1

    • fixed missing cloning in isDisabled method
    • buttons now don't submit forms
    • added inline view support on mobile devices
    • startEmpty property clears input on initialization
    • added apply and cancel buttons in dropdown mode
  • v1.3.2

    • fixed hovering bug after month change when first date is selected
    • added jshint javascript linter to gruntfile
    • some optimizations
    • moved event bubbling in one method
  • v1.3.3

    • documentation fixes
    • fixed clickable disabled days
  • v1.3.4

    • removed event bubbling prevention in event
    • configuration objects attached to prototype converted to independent objects
    • added "left" "right" display options ("showOn" option, default "bottom")
    • added auto positioning enable/disable flag ("autoAlign" option, default "true")
    • added position recalculation on window scroll and resize events
  • v1.3.5

    • fixed css issue about month selector in small calendars
    • fixed locale error on month selector
    • added adjustment for font-size in month selector page
  • v1.3.6

    • fixed header display bug on startEmpty
    • converted moment instances to unix timestamps on reDrawCells method
    • added first and last hover classes (border radius effect)
    • removed autoprefixer and added postcss plugin for browser compatible CSS
    • fixed visibility issues
  • v1.3.7

    • Repeating day issue caused by daylight saving time activation fixed.
  • v1.3.8

    • Added caleran-not-in-month class for the days that don't belong to that month
    • Replaced moment's .startOf("day") to middleOfDay() extension function to minimize DST change bugs.
  • v1.3.9

    • startDate and endDate setting on plugin intialization didn't work, fixed.
    • fixed mobile inline view resize bug after month changes
    • fixed dropdown closing issues
    • fixed ESC key closing inline calendars bug
    • removed clearing of user value when user inputs a valid date when startEmpty is still active
  • v1.3.10

    • fixed month selector styling on small calendars on all browsers
    • added numericMonthSwitcher config option to show month numbers instead of month names in month selector
  • v1.4.0

    • updated jQuery library in demos and readme to v3.1.2
    • updated getDimensions method to more paint and memory friendly version
    • added setStart, setEnd, setMinDate, setMaxDate and setDisplayDate methods
    • added istanbul test code coverage tools
    • added start and end date validation regarding minimum and maximum allowed dates
  • v1.4.1

    • fixed dropdown positioning on inner scrolling container other than window
    • fixed wrong calendarStart calculation when startOnMonday is set and start of month is sunday
  • v1.4.2

    • changed header's end month display from full to short.
    • added predefined events to hideDropdown and showDropdown to prevent var undefined exception.
    • updated example about linked date pickers
    • added month name format on monthselector
    • added week numbers on calendars
  • v1.4.3

    • added vertical range listing feature
    • updated missing parts of documentation
    • added smart positioning on top/bottom dropdowns
    • added selected range indicators
    • massive performance upgrade
    • added arrowOn parameter which moves the arrow to the desired position.
    • improved positioning on viewport edges
    • added center/center display option
  • v1.4.4

    • added onaftermonthchange and onafteryearchange to month and year selectors
    • added caleran-disabled-range class on mindate/maxdate effective days
    • added day clones instead of real ones as attributes of events
    • added formats when given start and end dates are strings to validateDates function
    • changed mobile view instances to delay input update until apply button is pressed
    • fixed cancel button click bug
  • v1.4.5

    • fixed mobile button bug on month change
    • fixed autocloseonselect not updating input on mobile
  • v1.4.6

    • updated linked calendars example in documentation
    • added onBeforeInit, onBeforeDestroy and ondestroy event
  • v1.4.7

    • added hotel style booking feature for ranges
    • added disableOnlyStart and disableOnlyEnd parameters
  • v1.4.8

    • fix for hotel style booking
    • selections not in month should have not-in-month class
    • added minSelectedDays parameter to prevent users to select less than defined days
    • updated documentation
  • v1.4.9

    • added caleran overlay div to prevent clickthroughs
    • fixed css for Edge
  • v1.4.10

    • added enableSwipe configuration parameter to enable/disable calendar swipe left/right to switch months, default enabled
    • added configurations for icons in the plugin
    • rewritten the hotel booking system, single day disables only can be start date of a range
    • added validateClick event, to prevent cell clicks before anything occurs
    • added hideOutOfRange property for hiding the arrows
    • added auto close after range selection
    • added DOBCalendar option to act as a date-of-birth selector
    • added onCancel event to verify cancellation
    • fix for wrong week start regarding to locale on Safari
  • 1.4.11

    • added RTL support
    • more localization on calendar numerals
  • v1.4.12

    • fixed hotel mode selection clear bug on dropdown open
    • fixed IE9 & Edge right side range display
    • added examples for disableOnlyStart and disableOnlyEnd options
  • v1.4.13

    • added "!default" for scss variables to enable overrides
    • added tests to package
    • added date checks and needed conversions on initialization
    • fixed single date selection on ranges
  • v.1.4.14

    • changed checkMobile method to only use media queries, not browser agent strings
    • added setting for mobile/desktop view threshold (mobileBreakpoint)
    • added calendar close feature on mobile backdrop click
    • fixed swipe month switch ignoring hideOutOfRange setting
    • fixed tests differing between mobile and desktop view
  • v1.4.15

    • fixed continuous flag not working
    • fixed hideOutOfRange not affecting month and year selectors
  • v1.4.16

    • fix uninitialized disable cache bug
    • change hotel booking mode from disabling days to nights
    • remove IE test launchers
    • added dayText property to display text under days
  • v1.4.17

    • Change day container and day styles to CSS grid
  • v1.4.18

    • Patch release: uninitalized disable days object clears initial selection
  • v1.4.19

    • Add error messages thrown when an operation is canceled
    • Fix oneCalendarWidth changes not respected after initialization
    • Add keyboard support for TAB and Enter keys selecting the date without submitting the form
    • Fix dropdown close with only start date selected putting the plugin in a confused state
  • v1.4.20
    • Fix disabled dates rendering wrong on reDrawCells
    • Fix hotelmode including last day as disabled, which should be selectable
    • Fix ESC and TAB key behaviour on keyboard mode